The rising Rueifong Night Market is definitely the brightest place ot spend an evening Kaohsiung City. The stores and stands in this shopping area sell mostly current and trendy items and fad products, which are young people's favorites. There are not only numerous delicious snacks be purchased but also fasionable, stylish clothes and delicate articles that cannot be found in other night markets. It has recently become a very popular landmark in Kaohsiung Area. Don't miss this place during your trip! 

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To tell the truth, i was wondering where my future is. It seemed that it is not so easy to choose the exact true caling in my nearly future. Reacently, there are lots of things abundant in my life, schedule, and tutor jobs. I have three tutor jobs up to the present. Jacky, Windy, Gorage. MOst of my time are put in not only teaching jobs but the association. I haven't finished my pop quiz for the next calss and I don;t think that I have the power and willing to finished them. Ok, maybe listening to music is a better way for me to relax in such a clear night.(I oversleep my afternoon nap, haha)

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Key abilities that college students should learn:

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  • Feb 19 Sat 2011 19:01
  • 解夏


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昨天晚上 狠下心了

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簡介:《SPEC~警視廳公安部公安第五課 未詳事件特別對策係事件簿~》是日本TBS2010年10月8日起每週禮拜五22:00~22:54(日本時間)播出的電視連續劇。初回加長15分。 (from維基百科)


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  • Jan 25 Tue 2011 00:34
  • 鼻塞


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