- Apr 09 Sat 2011 01:16
- Apr 02 Sat 2011 21:53
In Her Shoes
In Her Shoes is a 2005 film, adapted from the same name novel which is a bestseller in New York Times. It talks about a story related to sibilants and their long-lost grandmother. While they were growing, their told that their grandmother has passed away. But in reality, Maggie and Rose's grandmother is working at a nursing village. The struggles begin at Maggie’s rely on her sister. She can't do anything but has causal sex with those who treat her with money and alcohol. Rose was often bothered by her own sister, but she realized that she loves her and couldn't be apart of her. At one time, Maggie visited Rose again making her life in a mess. And she even had sex with Rose's boyfriend Jim. This time, Rose was fed up with the bothering and asked her to move out as well as get out of her personal life. However, while once Maggie visited her father's place, in the room did she find that her grandma is still alive and even sent birthday cards to both of them. In doing so, she decided to look for her grandmother. In the meanwhile, Jose quit her job and started to walk dogs as her route job. When she is walking the dogs, she felt lonely. She came up to realize that how important Maggie is. She later met Simon, who she disliked while together with Jim, and had a crush on him. They loved each other and made a decision to get married. She introduced Simon to all her relatives except for Maggie. She didn't know what would happen if Simon knew Maggie and even knew that she broke up with Maggie for she made love with her ex.
- Mar 30 Wed 2011 10:35
Class Note: Week 4-6 Finding Forester
p22, 172,
"The Raven" is a narrative poem by American writer Edgar Allan Poe, first published in January 1845. It is often noted for its musicality, stylized language, and supernatural atmosphere. It tells of a talkingraven's mysterious visit to a distraught lover, tracing the man's slow descent into madness. The lover, often identified as being a student,[1][2] is lamenting the loss of his love, Lenore. Sitting on a bust ofPallas, the raven seems to further instigate his distress with its constant repetition of the word "Nevermore". The poem makes use of a number of folk and classical references.
- Mar 29 Tue 2011 20:34
我覺得很多事情在大學裏面都變得民主很多,應該說,學生自己有潛力去選的自己要的東西、興趣、習慣、交友,當然包過最重要的選課。選什麼課對大學生來說看起來沒有太大的差別,大多人想:不就只是上上課、聽聽課? 喔不,但我不這麼覺得,換個方式說,我覺得大學可以是影響一個人一輩子的地方。上了課,除了學到老師在課堂上的知識,我覺得彌足可貴的是老師講述的方式和他個人信念的傳遞,這關心到一個人將來的一生。如果他聽得進去那些經驗,我想他以後會好過很多年,如果沒有,我想他會花比較多的時間去嘗試錯誤失敗,就像是家長永遠講不動自己的小孩一樣,每次都是後悔過了、事情發生了才會開始想到自己其實聽過這個道理。
- Mar 24 Thu 2011 22:51
- Mar 15 Tue 2011 22:38
Class Note: week 2-3 The Catcher in the Rye by J. D. Salinger