1.綠野仙蹤(The Wonderful Wizard of Oz)的故事
-Doris 想回家
-Scarecrow 想要頭腦
-Coward lion 想要有無比的勇氣
-Tin Man 想要一顆心
Where she lived: great Kansas prairies
Dorothy & Toto(他也是一個衛浴設備的名字XD)
The Wonderful Wizard of Oz is a children's novel written by L. Frank Baum and illustrated by W.W. Denslow. It was originally published by the George M. Hill Company in Chicago on May 17, 1900,[1] and has since been reprinted countless times, most often under the name The Wizard of Oz, which is the name of both the 1902 stage play and the extremely popular, highly acclaimed 1939 film version. The story chronicles the adventures of a girl named Dorothy Gale in the Land of Oz. Thanks in part to the 1939 MGM movie, it is one of the best-known stories in American popular culture and has been widely translated. Its initial success, and the success of the popular 1902 Broadway musical Baum adapted from his story, led to Baum's writing and having published thirteen more Oz books.
1. play the lead
2. rotation (n.)the process of replacing one thing with another from the same group in a fixed order:
<e.g.>We use a system of job rotation to keep staff stimulated.
-rotate the sheet
3. at + age/rate/speed......(確切的時間點、名稱)
4. occupation (n.)a job or profession
<e.g. 1>Please state your name, address and occupation.
<e.g. 2>professional and managerial occupations
<e.g. 3>manual occupations
5. La Belle Dame sans Merci
-the beautiful woman without mercy
La Belle Dame sans Merci (French: "The Beautiful Lady without Pity") is a ballad written by the English poet John Keats. It exists in two versions, with minor differences between them. The original was written by Keats in 1819. He used the title of a 15th century poem by Alain Chartier, though the plots of the two poems are different.
c)ballad--(1)lyrical poetry and (2)narrituve lyrical poetry
e)What's ballad?
A ballad is a form of verse, often a narrative set to music. Ballads were particularly characteristic of British and Irish popular poetry and song from the later medieval period until the 19th century and used extensively across Europe and later North America, Australia and North Africa. Many ballads were written and sold as single sheet broadsides. The form was often used by poets and composers from the 18th century onwards to produce lyrical ballads. In the later 19th century it took on the meaning of a slow form of popular love song and the term is now often used as synonymous with any love song, particularly the pop or rock power ballad.
6. granary (n.)a building where grain is kept
faery (n.)a small imaginary creature with magic powers, which looks like a very small person
manna (n.)according to the Bible, the food that God gave to the Israelites in the desert after they had escaped from Egypt
dew (n.)small drops of water that form on the ground during the night
7. 西風頌 (Ode to the West Wind)
If I were a dead leaf thou mightest bear;
If I were a swift cloud to fly with thee;
A wave to pant beneath thy power, and share
The impulse of thy strength, only less free
Than thou, O uncontrollable! If even
I were as in my boyhood, and could be
The comrade of thy wanderings over heaven,
As then, when to outstrip the skiey speed
Scarce seemed a vision, I would ne'er have striven
As thus with thee in prayer in my sore need.
O, lift me as a wave, a leaf, a cloud!
Make me thy lyre, even as the forest is:
What if my leaves are falling like its own!
The tumult of thy mighty harmonies
Will take from both a deep autumnal tone,
Sweet though in sadness. Be thou, Spirit fierce,
My spirit! be thou me, impetuous one!
Drive my dead thoughts over the universe
Like withered leaves, to quicken a new birth;
And, by the incantation of this verse,
Scatter, as from an unextinguished hearth
Ashes and sparks, my words among mankind!
Be through my lips to unawakened earth
The trumpet of a prophecy! O Wind,
If Winter comes, can Spring be far behind?
冬天來了,春天還會遠嗎?這是英國浪漫詩人雪萊(Percy Bysshe Shelley. 1792–1822)的名詩<西風頌>(Ode to the West Wind)的最後一句話。
秋風是世界的毀滅者與保存者(destroyer and preserver),因為秋風吹落葉,把夏天的翠綠一抹掃盡,蕭瑟大地,禿枝如洗,其猶如生命的黃昏,只有靜待黑暗的來臨。但是秋風亦帶來希望,因為落葉護泥,化身為養分,孕育新的生命。沒有秋天的毀滅,也就沒有再生的希望。生死循環,這種永恆的變遷,敘述著生命的無常與希望。雪萊在<變遷>(Mutability)一詩中說,惟變永恆(Nought may endure but Mutability)正是這個道理。
這是個假設法的句子,表示有可能性的說法,冬天來了,春天還會遠嗎?居處逆境,心存希望,最壞的時候,也就是最好的開始。這句話送給掙扎在困境中的人,最能振奮人心,鼓舞士氣。我們也可仿作:黑暗來了,光明就不遠了(Since the darkest night has come, will daylight be far away?)。
8. 浪漫主義時期:
9. Tender Is the Night 夜未央
Tender Is the Night is a novel by American writer F. Scott Fitzgerald. It was first published in Scribner's Magazine between January-April, 1934 in four issues. It is ranked #28 on the Modern Library's list of the 100 Greatest Novels of the 20th Century.
In 1932, Fitzgerald's wife Zelda Sayre Fitzgerald was hospitalized for schizophrenia in Baltimore, Maryland. The author rented the "la Paix" estate in the suburb of Towson to work on this book, the story of the rise and fall of Dick Diver, a promising young psychoanalyst and his wife, Nicole, who is also one of his patients. It would be Fitzgerald's first novel in nine years, and the last that he would complete. While working on the book he several times ran out of cash and had to borrow from his editor and agent, and write short stories for commercial magazines. The early 1930s, when Fitzgerald was conceiving and working on the book, were certainly the darkest years of his life, and accordingly, the novel has its bleak elements.
Two versions of this novel are in print. The first version, published in 1934, uses flashbacks whilst the second revised version, prepared by Fitzgerald's friend and noted critic Malcolm Cowley on the basis of notes for a revision left by Fitzgerald, is ordered chronologically; this version was first published posthumously in 1951. Critics have suggested that Cowley's revision was undertaken due to negative reviews of the temporal structure of the book on its first release.
The title is taken from the poem "Ode to a Nightingale" by John Keats.