
Agamemnon, Sophocles, Oedipus the King


riddle (n.)something which is confusing, or a problem which

is difficult to solve:
Scientists may have solved the riddle of Saturn's rings.

The city of Thebes 底比斯城
Great Sphinx / The Sphinx人面獅身像

the three unities 三一律









an ancient Greek dramatist remembered for his comedies

(448-380 BC)

Dionysus [希神]狄俄尼索斯(酒神, 即羅馬神話中的


vine (n.)any type of plant which climbs or grows along the

ground and which has woody twisting stems:
Ivy is a type of vine.
*wine 印歐語系的酒(一定是葡萄製成,歌曲TODAY有)
wine 水果酒
liquor 利口酒
(cf.)line 網頁


altar (n.)a type of table used in ceremonies in a Christian

church or in other religious buildings

1.innovation (n.)the introduction of new things, ideas or

ways of doing sth:
The company is very interested in product design and

2.renovation (v.)o repair and improve something, especially

a building:
He renovates old houses and sells them at a profit.
4.novice (n.)a person who is not experienced in a job or

I've never driven a car before - I'm a complete novice.

1.nominate (v.)to officially suggest someone for an election,

job, position or honour:
He's been nominated by the Green Party as their candidate

in the next election.
2.nomenclature (n.)a system for naming things, especially in

a particular area of science:
(the) nomenclature of organic chemicals
3.nominal (a.)describes a sum of money which is very small

compared to an expected price or value:
For a nominal fee, they will deliver orders to customers'



1.breastplate (n.)a piece of armour (= metal military clothing worn in the past) that protects the chest

2.encampment (n.)a group of tents or temporary shelters put in one place:
Many people are living in encampments around the city with no electricity or running water.

3.encampment (n.)a group of tents or temporary shelters put in one place:
Many people are living in encampments around the city with no electricity or running water.

4.ravage (v.)to cause great damage to something:
The area has been ravaged by drought/floods/war.

5.spear (n.)a weapon consisting of a pole with a sharp, usually metal, point at one end, which is either thrown or held in the hand

6.despoil (v.)to make a place less attractive especially by taking things away from it by force:
Many of the tombs had been despoiled.

7.square (v.)a flat shape with four sides of equal length and four angles of :
First draw a square.
It's a square-shaped room 

8.strife (a.)violent or angry disagreement:
What are the prospects for overcoming the strife between the Christian minority and Muslim majority?
Twenty years of civil strife have left the country's economy in ruins.

9.matron (n.)a female nurse in a school

10.groan (n.)a deep long sound showing great pain or unhappiness:
We could hear the groans of the wounded soldiers.
He looked at the piles of dirty dishes and gave a groan of dismay.

11.single out (v.)If you single someone out from a group, you choose them and give them special attention or treatment.
The gunman had singled Debilly out and waited for him...
His immediate superior has singled him out for a special mention...
We wanted to single out the main threat to civilisation.

12.rear (n.)at the back of something:
There's a sticker on the rear door/window.
The horse had injured one of its rear legs.

13.sapling (n.)a young tree

14.petition (n.)a document signed by a large number of people demanding or requesting some action from the government or another authority:
I signed a petition against the proposed closure of the local hospital today.

15.valiant (a.)very brave or bravely determined, especially when things are difficult or the situation gives no cause for hope:
The company has made a valiant effort/attempt in the last two years to make itself more efficient. (n.)a shop or part of a shop in which medicines are prepared and sold

17.anguish (n.)extreme unhappiness caused by physical or mental suffering:
His anguish at the outcome of the court case was very clear.
In her anguish she forgot to leave a message.

18.crucible (n.)a container in which metals or other substances can be heated to very high temperatures

19.blast (v.)to explode or destroy something or someone with explosives, or to break through or hit something with a similar, very strong force:
A tunnel was to be blasted through the mountains.
They heard the guns blasting away all night.

20.anvil (n.)a heavy block of iron on which heated pieces of metal are shaped by hammering

21.intricate (a.)having a lot of small parts or details that are arranged in a complicated way and are therefore sometimes difficult to understand, solve or produce:
The watch mechanism is extremely intricate and very difficult to repair.
Police officers uncovered an intricate web of deceit.

22.glitter (v.)to produce a lot of small bright flashes of reflected light:
Her diamond necklace glittered brilliantly under the spotlights.

23.weary (a.)very tired, especially after working hard for a long time:
I think he's a little weary after his long journey.
Here, sit down and rest your weary legs.

24.garland (n.)a circle made of flowers and leaves worn around the neck or head as a decoration:
a garland of white roses

25.aloof (a.)describes an unfriendly person who refuses to take part in things:
She seemed rather aloof when in fact she was just shy.

26.humanity (n.)people in general:
The massacre was a crime against humanity.

27.mourn (v.)to feel or express great sadness, especially because of someone's death:
Queen Victoria mourned Prince Albert/Prince Albert's death for 40 years.
She was still mourning for her brother.

28.butcher (a.)a person who sells meat in a shop

29.rape (v.)to force someone to have sex when they are unwilling, using violence or threatening behaviour:
She was pulled from the car and raped.
It's difficult to understand what causes a man to rape.

30.bedchamber (n.)an old word meaning bedroom

31.plunder (v.)to steal goods violently from a place, especially during a war:
After the president fled the country, the palace was plundered by soldiers.
Tragically, the graves were plundered and the grave-goods scattered.

32.slash (v.)to cut with a sharp blade using a quick strong swinging action:
The museum was broken into last night and several paintings were slashed.

33.maraud (v.)to roam about and raid in search of plunder 
transitive verb

34.pitiable (a.)making you feel sympathy and sadness:
the pitiable conditions in the refugee camps

35.wail (v.)to make a long, high cry, usually because of pain or sadness:
The women gathered around the coffin and began to wail, as was the custom in the region.
[+ speech] "My finger hurts, " wailed the child.

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