

(i)immortal  20%

(ii)identification(ID)  30%(person, place, event)

(iii)multiple choice  30%

(iv)term explanation  20%


*long nudity poem

*Homeric simile=epic simile








4.falling action


**conflicts---No conflicts, no story.

*narrative(epic, tragedy, novel)


*"The Happy Prince" BY Oscar Wilde—Is happy prince really happy?



*slay(v.)  slain(v.pp.)


*花痴 nymphomaniac(山林水澤邊穿很少遊走的女人)

*春藥 aphrodisiac

àlunatic (n.)瘋子



1.pang (n.)a sudden sharp feeling, especially of painful emotion:
a pang of jealousy
We hadn't eaten since yesterday and the hunger pangs were getting harder to ignore.

2.irresistible (a.)impossible to refuse, oppose or avoid because too pleasant, attractive or strong:
an irresistible offer
She gave me one of those irresistible smiles and I just had to agree.

3.streak (n.)a long thin mark which is easily noticed because it is very different from the area surrounding it:
The window cleaner has left dirty streaks on the windows.
I dye my hair to hide my grey streaks.

4.cortege (n.)a slowly moving line of people, or cars at a funeral

5.hymn (n.)a song of praise that Christians sing to God:
a hymn book

6.chamber (n.)a room in a house, especially a bedroom

7.raving (a.)complete or extreme, or completely or extremely:
He must be a raving idiot/lunatic.
Her last book was a raving best-seller/success.
She's no raving beauty.
I think you're (stark) raving mad to agree to do all that extra work without being paid for it.

8.proclamation (n.)an official announcement:
to issue a proclamation
A bloody civil war followed the proclamation of an independent state.

9.agony (n.)extreme physical or mental pain or suffering:
She lay there screaming in agony.
I was in an agony of suspense.
We've both suffered agonies of guilt over what happened.

10.swoop (v.)to move very quickly and easily through the air, especially down from a height in order to attack:
The eagle swooped down to snatch a young rabbit.

11.shrivel (v.)to become dry, smaller and covered with lines as if by crushing or folding, or to make something do this:
The lack of rain has shrivelled the crops.
You ought to pick those lettuces before they shrivel (up) and die.

12.cue (n.)a signal for someone to do something:
[+ to infinitive] They started washing up, so that was our cue to leave the party.

13.escort (v.)to go with someone or a vehicle especially to make certain that they arrive safely or that they leave a place:
Several little boats escorted the sailing ship into the harbour.
Security guards escorted the intruders from the building.
The police escorted her to the airport, and made sure that she left the country.

14.flinch (v.)to make a sudden small movement because of pain or fear:
He didn't even flinch when the nurse cleaned the wound.

15.exile (n.)the condition of someone being sent or kept away from their own country, village, etc., especially for political reasons:
The king went into exile because of the political situation in his country.
The deposed leaders are currently in exile in the neighbouring country.

16.grim (n.)worried or worrying, without hope:
The future looks grim.
Her face was grim as she told them the bad news.
The expression on his face was one of grim determination.
Later Mr Ashby left the court, grim-faced and silent.

17.dire (a.)very serious or extreme:
These people are in dire need of help.
He gave a dire warning that an earthquake was imminent.
This decision will have dire consequences for local people.

18.interrogation (n.)the process of asking someone a lot of questions in order to get information, usually in an angry or threatening way:
under interrogation (=while being questioned): She remained silent under interrogation.

19.scum (n.)a layer of unpleasant or unwanted material that has formed on the top of a liquid:
The lake near the factory was covered with grey, foul-smelling scum.

20.enrage (v.)to cause someone to become very angry:
Plans to build a new nightclub in the neighbourhood have enraged local residents.
He was so enraged at the article about him that he sued the newspaper.


22.shroud (n.)a cloth or long loose piece of clothing that is used to wrap a dead body before it is buried

23.appall (v.)to make someone have strong feelings of shock or of disapproval:
I was appalled at/by the lack of staff in the hospital.
The state of the kitchen appalled her.

24.obscenity (a.)offensive, rude or shocking, usually because too obviously related to sex or showing sex:
In the raid, police found several boxes of obscene videotapes.
He was jailed for making obscene phone calls (= ones in which unwanted sexual suggestions were made to the listener).
obscene language/graffiti


26.infamy (n.)when someone or something is famous for something considered bad:
Franklin D. Roosevelt described the bombing of Pearl Harbor in 1947 as 'a day that will live in infamy'.

27.conspiracy (n.)when people secretly plan together to do something bad or illegal:
The three men are accused of conspiracy.
[+ to infinitive] She has been charged with conspiracy to murder.
I think there was a conspiracy to keep me out of the committee.

28.outstrip (v.)to be or become greater in amount, degree or success than something or someone:
The demand for firewood now far outstrips supply.

29.heady (a.)having a powerful effect, making you feel slightly drunk or excited:
a heady wine/perfume
In the heady days of their youth, they thought anything was possible.

30.rivalry (a.)a situation in which people, teams, businesses, etc. compete with one another:
political rivalries
rivalry between: There is friendly rivalry between the two teams.

31.lurk (v.)to wait or move in a secret way so that you cannot be seen, especially because you are about to attack someone or do something wrong:
Someone was lurking in the shadows.
Why are you lurking about in the corridor?

32.peddle (v.)to sell things, especially by taking them to different places:
These products are generally peddled (from) door to door.
He travels around, peddling his wares.

33.craft (n.)(a job or activity needing) skill and experience, especially in relation to making objects:
the craft of furniture making/boat building/glass blowing
political/literary craft
rural/ancient/traditional crafts
craft workers (= skilled workers)

34.pious (a.)strongly believing in religion, and living in a way which shows this belief:
She is a pious follower of the faith, never missing her prayers




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