

environment (n.): the conditions that surround someone or something : the conditions and influences that affect the growth, health, progress, etc., of someone or something
situation (n.): all of the facts, conditions, and events that affect someone or something at a particular time and in a particular place
circumstance (n.): a condition or fact that affects a situation

  1. The company is in a poor financial situation.
  2. We need to create a safe working environment for all of our employees.
  3. Cancellation under/in certain circumstances is covered by your travel insurance policy.
  4. the amount of carbon in the environment

字首字根字尾:circum- àaround; round about
circumstance (n.) : a condition or fact that affects a situation
circulation (n.): the movement of blood through the body that is caused by the pumping action of the heart
circumspect (a.): thinking carefully about possible risks before doing or saying something【circum- (round)+spect (look)
circumnavigate (v.): to travel all the way around (something) in a ship, airplane, etc.【circum- (around)+navigate(sail)
circumfuse (v.): to pour or spread (a liquid, powder, etc.) around【circum- (around)+fuse(pour)
The drug improves blood circulation.
They are circumspect/cautious in all their business dealings.
The ship circumnavigated the world.

circumstantial (a.) based on information which suggests that something is true but does not prove that it is true
The evidence is purely circumstantial.
The case against him is circumstantial.

電影:Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief

Percy Jackson & the Olympians is a series of adventure and fantasy books authored by Rick Riordan. Set in the United States, the books are predominantly based on Greek mythology. The series consists of five books, as well as spin-off titles such as The Demigod Files and Demigods and Monsters. The Lightning Thief, the first book, is the basis of a film called Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief, which was released in the United States and Canada on February 12, 2010.
The protagonist is Percy Jackson, who discovers that he is the son of Poseidon, god of the sea and earthquakes. He learns that the legendary beings of Greek mythology still exist and have always existed, including monsters, cyclopes, empousai,Titans, and the Olympians (Greek gods) themselves who dwell in Olympus, which is now situated at the mythical 600th floor of the Empire State Building. Percy is frequently attacked by monsters because he is a child of one of the "Big Three" (Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades), who made a pact on the river Styx (the most serious pact one can make) after World War II not to have any more children because they were too powerful and unpredictable. The only other known demigod children of these "Big Three" are Thalia Grace, Nico di Angelo, and Bianca di Angelo. Percy meets many other young demigods, both friendly and hostile, who are also in the process of discovering their heritage and powers.
As of February 9, 2010, the series has been on the New York Times Best Seller list for children's books for 134 weeks.

leukemia (n.) the type of cancer that people get in their blood血癌
A writer and translator living in Manhattan, she was suffering from chronic myeloid leukemia, an especially deadly form of blood cancer.

Key Words

verse, vertà to turn (移轉;改變;轉向)
*拉丁文vertere (= turn),過去分詞versus
adversity (n.) [C] [U]: a difficult situation or condition : misfortune or tragedy
diversity (n.): the quality or state of having many different forms, types, ideas, etc. perversity (n.): the quality of being wrong or different in a strange or offensive way : a perverse quality
university (n.): a school that offers courses leading to a degree (such as a bachelor's, master's, or doctoral degree) and where research is done

  1. He showed courage in the face of adversity.
  2. They overcame many adversities.
  3. biological/genetic/linguistic diversity
  4. The area has a great diversity/variety of birds.
  5. The sheer perversity of her actions is shocking.
  6. sexual perversity/perversion
小說:蘇西的世界 The Lovely Bones

The Lovely Bones is a 2002 novel by Alice Sebold. It is the story of a teenage girl who, after being raped and murdered, watches from heaven as her family and friends go on with their lives, while she herself comes to terms with her own death. The novel received a great deal of critical praise and became an instant bestseller. A film adaptation of the novel, directed by Peter Jackson who personally purchased the rights, was released in American theatres on January 15, 2010.
The novel's title stems from a line toward the end of the novel, in which Susie ponders her friends' and family's newfound strength after her death:
    These were the lovely bones that had grown around my absence: the connections — sometimes tenuous, sometimes made at great cost, but often magnificent — that happened after I was gone. And I began to see things in a way that let me hold the world without me in it. The events my death brought were merely the bones of a body that would become whole at some unpredictable time in the future. The price of what I came to see as this miraculous lifeless body had been my life.   ”



associate professor
noun, pl -sors [count] : a teacher at a U.S. college or university who has a rank above an assistant professor and below a full professor
noun, pl -ers [count] : a person or business that sells things directly to customers for their own use
The company is a leading retailer of women's clothing
noun : a general agreement about something : an idea or opinion that is shared by all the people in a group [singular]
The (general) consensus (of the group) was to go ahead with the plan.
Scientists have not reached a consensus on the cause of the disease.
noun, pl -ag·es [count] : a long journey to a distant or unknown place especially over water or through outer space
The Titanic sank on her maiden voyage.
He wrote about his many voyages into the South Seas.
adj formal : always right and accurate : making no errors She has an unerring instinct for language. He has an unerring sense of good taste. un·err·ing·ly adv
noun, pl -ans [count]: someone or something that watches or protects something
{often + of}
The historical society sees itself as the guardian of the town's traditions.
verb, -eates, -eat·ed, -eat·ing [+ obj] formal : to clearly show or describe (something)
The report clearly delineates the steps that must be taken.
The characters in the story were carefully delineated.
*delineation noun [noncount]
noun [noncount]
1 : the identity of the person who has written something
The novel is of unknown authorship.
[=the author/writer of the novel is unknown]
2 : the job or profession of writing
His first attempt at authorship failed.
adj [more ; most ] : typical of a person, thing, or group : showing the special qualities or traits of a person, thing, or group
He responded to their comments with characteristic good humor.
the herb's characteristic flavor
{often + of}
Such behavior is not characteristic of a good neighbor. char·ac·ter·is·ti·cal·ly adv She was characteristically modest when she accepted the reward.
noun [U] :the showing or treating of animals, gods and objects as if they are human in appearance, character or behaviour:
The books 'Alice in Wonderland', 'Peter Rabbit' and 'Winnie-the-Pooh' are classic examples of anthropomorphism.
adj [more ; most ] : very important and necessary
Industry is an integral [=essential] part of modern society.
She had become an integral part of their lives. {often + to}
His character is integral [=essential] to the story.
Luck was integral to our success.
*integrally adv
She was integrally involved in their lives.
noun, pl -quels [count]
1 : a book, movie, etc., that continues a story begun in another book, movie, etc.
The new film is a sequel to the very successful comedy that came out five years ago.
He is busy writing the book's sequel.
compare PREQUEL
2: something that happens after and usually as a result of a previous event
There is an interesting sequel to my date with her that I'll share with you later.
verb, -ceives, -ceived, -ceiv·ing
1 : to think of or create (something) in the mind
[+ obj] conceive an idea a writer who has conceived [=imagined] an entire world of amazing creatures
When the writer conceived this role, he had a specific actor in mind to play the the part.
The system was conceived [=invented] by a Swedish engineer.
As conceived by the committee, the bill did not raise taxes.
[no obj] + of
They conceived of [=thought of, regarded] her as a genius.
I can't conceive of [=imagine] a reason for not supporting this policy.
(v.): to live longer than someone else:
She outlived her husband by two years.
(adj.):something that is lavish exists, is spent, or is given in a very large amount, especially if it costs a lot of money:
a lavish dinner/lifestyle/garden
lavish presents
be lavish with something
He is always lavish with his praise.
*lavishly (adv.)
(a.):a cognitive science or process is one that is connected with recognizing and understanding things:
As children grow older, their cognitive processes become sharper.
(a.) :happening sometimes but not often or regularly
He made occasional visits to London.
(a.) :if similar things diverge, they develop in different ways and so are no longer similar
The two species diverged millions of years ago.
Global growth rates are diverging markedly.
(n.) :a soft filled bag for sticking pins in until you need to use them
(v.) :to honour someone by holding public celebrations for them
The team was fêted from coast to coast.
(v.) :to praise someone or something publicly
His work was acclaimed by art critics.
(adv.) :very or very much
an enormously successful actor
The project has benefited enormously from Jan's knowledge.
(adv.) :mostly or mainly
The city's population is predominantly Irish.
(n.) :an unexpected but useful result of something, that happens in addition to the intended result
Laser research has had important spin-offs for eye surgery.
(n.) :the most important character in a play, film, or story
= main character
Key protagonists of the revolution were hunted down and executed.
(n.) :a man in ancient stories, who is half god and half human
demigods such as Hercules
(v.) :to change direction suddenly, especially in order to avoid something
sheer off/away
The boat sheered away and headed out to sea.
(adj.) :a situation or relationship that is tenuous is uncertain, weak, or likely to change
For now, the band's travel plans are tenuous.
(n.) :a book that is part of a set, or one into which a very long book is divided
The period from 1940-45 is in volume 9.
(n.) :a short written or printed line (-) that joins words or syllables
(n.) :a set of lines that forms one part of a song, poem, or a book such as the Bible or the Koran
Learn the first two verses of the poem by heart.
(n.) :a formal agreement for someone to sell a company's products or services in a particular place, in exchange for a payment or part of the profits:
Several teams bid for the franchise.
(a.) :done secretly or quickly because you do not want other people to notice
Rory tried to sneak a surreptitious glance at Adam's wristwatch.
(n.) :a large group of soldiers, or (more generally) any large number of things or people:
Regiments are usually commanded by a colonel and are sometimes made up of soldiers from a particular city or part of the country.
*regimental (a.)
-->a regimental flag / band / parade
(n.) :an animal or toy, or a person dressed as an animal, that represents a team or organization, and is thought to bring them good luck
The team's mascot is a giant swan.

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