


The Catcher In The Rye
The Catcher in the Rye is a 1951 novel by J. D. Salinger. Originally published for adults,[1] it has been translated into almost all of the world's major languages.[2] Around 250,000 copies are sold each year, with total sales of more than sixty-five million.[3] The novel's protagonist and antihero, Holden Caulfield, has become an icon for teenage rebellion




an eye for an eye

***di- -->two
1.dicast (n.)an ancient Athenian performing the functions of both judge and juror at a trial
2.dichotomy (n.)a difference between two completely opposite ideas or things:
There is often a dichotomy between what politicians say and what they do.
3.dioxide (n.)a chemical substance consisting of two atoms of oxygen combined with one atom of another element:
carbon/sulphur dioxide


1 quality control 
2 Queen's Counsel


flirt (v.)to behave as if sexually attracted to someone, although not seriously:
Christina was flirting with just about every man in the room.

Moby Dick
Call me
Ishmael 恃寵而驕;媽媽是婢女

a humble meal/house

Having child is a blessing.

***gen-->birth, class, kin
1.heterogeneous (a.)consisting of parts or things that are very different from each other:
Switzerland is a heterogeneous confederation of 26 self-governing cantons.
2.ingenious (a.)(of a person) very clever and skilful, or (of a thing) cleverly made or planned and involving new ideas and methods:
an ingenious idea/method/solution
Johnny is so ingenious - he can make the most remarkable sculptures from the most ordinary materials.
3.engender (v.)to make people have a particular feeling or make a situation start to exist:
Her latest book has engendered a lot of controversy.

oo  /a/ /u/

Never change the world by flood.

Sodom and Gomorrah 邪惡的雙子城
Lot 一家人


Orphans, Eurydice
→Hades 冥府
→Pluto  Persephone

Doom day

1 : a city in Shinar where the building of a tower is held in Genesis to have been halted by the confusion of tongues 
2 often not capitalized a : a confusion of sounds or voices b : a scene of noise or confusion

diver one's attention
scatter around


回教 Islam; Mohammedanism
佛教 Buddhism
基督教Christianity; Christian舊教) Catholicism(Jesuit, Jesus)
2.基督教(新教) Protestant(Liter, Calvan)

outcast (n.)a person who has no place in their society or in a particular group, because the society or group refuses to accept them:
She has spent her life trying to help gypsies, beggars and other social outcasts.

Cast Away 浩劫重生
Cast Away is a 2000 film directed by Robert Zemeckis and starring Tom Hanks. Hanks portrays a FedEx employee who is stranded on an uninhabited island after his plane crashes on a flight over the South Pacific. The film depicts his attempts to survive on the island using remnants of his plane's cargo, as well as his eventual escape and return to society. Hanks was nominated for Best Actor in a Leading Role at the 73rd Academy Awards for his critically acclaimed performance.

Faith, Hope And Love 信望愛


Adam, Eve →Cain, Abel(air), Seth

Shepherd Psalm 耶和華是我的牧者

Am I my brother's keeper?

Don't worry.
God will provide the lamb.


whirl wheel


1.ill-will (n.)bad feelings between people because of things that happened in the past

2.transgress (v.)to break a law or moral rule:
Those are the rules, and anyone who transgresses will be severely punished.

3.affair (n.)a situation or subject that is being dealt with or considered; a matter:
She organizes her financial affairs very efficiently.
He's always meddling in (= trying to influence) other people's affairs.
What I do in my spare time is my affair (= only involves me).

4.provision (n.)someone who provides something:
an Internet service provider
The bank is now a major provider of financial services to industry.
Until her illness she was the main provider (= earned most of the money) in the family.

5.frail (a.)weak or unhealthy, or easily damaged, broken or harmed:
a frail old lady
I last saw him just last week and thought how old and frail he looked.
the country's frail economy

6.confine (v.) to limit an activity, person or problem in some way:
Let's confine our discussion to the matter in question, please!
Please confine your use of the telephone to business calls.

7.fawn (n.)a young deer

8.craft (n.)(a job or activity needing) skill and experience, especially in relation to making objects:
the craft of furniture making/boat building/glass blowing
political/literary craft
rural/ancient/traditional crafts
craft workers (= skilled workers)

9.steadfast (a.)staying the same for a long time and not changing quickly or unexpectedly:
a steadfast friend/ally
steadfast loyalty
The group remained steadfast in its support for the new system, even when it was criticized in the newspapers.

10.recess (n.)a period of time in the year when the members of a parliament are not meeting

11.alliance (n.)a country that has agreed officially to give help and support to another one, especially during a war:
North Korea is one of China's staunchest allies.
During World War One, Turkey and Germany were allies/Turkey was an ally of Germany.

12.deceitful (a.)If you say that someone is deceitful, you mean that they behave in a dishonest way by making other people believe something that is not true.
The ambassador called the report deceitful and misleading.

13.muse (v.)to think about something carefully and for a long time:
I began to muse about/on the possibility of starting my own business.

14.disposes (v.)
1 : to place, distribute, or arrange especially in an orderly way 
2 a : to transfer to the control of another <disposing of personal property to a total stranger> b (1) : to get rid of <how to dispose of toxic waste> (2) : to deal with 

conclusively <disposed of the matter efficiently>

15.wretched (a.)unhappy, unpleasant or of low quality:
a wretched childhood
The house was in a wretched state.

16.forsake(v.)to leave someone forever, especially when they need you:
Do not forsake me!

17.senseless (a.)lacking good judgment, or lacking a good or useful purpose:
a senseless argument
senseless killings/violence/deaths

18.cast out (v.)to drive out : EXPEL

19.counterfeit (n.)made to look like the original of something, usually for dishonest or illegal purposes:
counterfeit jewellery/passports/coins

20.engrave (v.)o cut words, pictures or patterns into the surface of metal, stone, etc:
The jeweller skillfully engraved the initials on the ring.
The bracelet was engraved with his name and date of birth.

21.tiller (n.)a long handle fixed to and used to turn a rudder (= blade at the back of a boat used to control the boat's direction)

22.mouth (v.)
It looks to me as if the singers are only mouthing the words (= forming them with their lips without making any sound).
[+ speech] "Can we go?" mouthed Mary.
I don't want to stand here listening to you mouthing (= saying in a way that is not sincere) excuses.

23.tempest (n.)a violent storm

24.inescapable (a.)If a fact or a situation is inescapable, it cannot be ignored or avoided.

25.compel (v.)to force someone to do something:
[+ to infinitive] As a school boy he was compelled to wear shorts even in winter.
FORMAL The new circumstances compelled a change in policy.

26.barbarian (n.)a member of a group of people from a very different country or culture that is considered to be less socially advanced and more violent than your own:
The walled city was attacked by barbarian hordes.

27.plausible (a.)seeming likely to be true, or able to be believed:
a plausible explanation/excuse

28.villain (n.)a bad person who harms other people or breaks the law:
Some people believe that Richard III did not murder his nephews and was not the villain he is generally thought to have been.
He's either a hero or a villain, depending on your point of view.

29.adorn (v.)to add something decorative to a person or thing:
The bride's hair was adorned with pearls and white flowers.

30.progeny (n.)the young or offspring of a person, animal or plant:
His numerous progeny are scattered all over the country.

31.prosperity (n.)(of a person or a business) to be or become successful, especially financially:
A lot of microchip manufacturing companies prospered at that time.

32.obstinate (a.)unreasonably determined, especially to act in a particular way and not to change at all, despite argument or persuasion:
He can be very obstinate at times.
her obstinate refusal to compromise

33.hanker (n.)to have a strong feeling of wanting something:
hanker after/for: She had always hankered after thick curly hair.
hanker to do something: He hankered to revisit his childhood home.

34.gracious (a.)behaving in a pleasant, polite, calm way:
a gracious smile
He was gracious enough to thank me.
The losing team were gracious in defeat.

35.unerring (a.)always accurate in your judgment or ability:
He has an unerring talent for writing catchy melodies.



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