(adj.) 1.that lives or lasts for ever 長生的;永世的;不朽的
2.famous and likely to be remembered for ever 流芳百世的;名垂千古的
(n.) a person who is so famous that they will be remembered for ever 不朽的人物;名垂千古的人物
*weary (adj.)very tired, especially after you have been working hard or doing sth for a long time
→be/feel weary of +O.
*Odysseus 奧德修斯(希臘神之一)
*cord(弦,from lyre)
→ease 舒服;舒適
【反】dis‧ease 疾病
*Iris 彩虹女神
*Apple of Discord
→To the Fairest
*Athena 戰爭、智慧的女神
Hephaestus 天國(唯一)最好的鐵匠
*Hera (the wife and older sister of Zeus)
*pharmacy (n.)【C】 a shop or a department in a shop where medicines are sold or given out.
prescription (n.)a medicine which a doctor has told you to take. 處方籤;藥方
*Apoll vs. Pan
→brass instrument 管樂
string instrument 弦樂
*literary genres 文學體裁
*oral literature 口頭文學
1.basin (n.)(i)=washbasin;
(ii)a large round bowl ; the amount of liquid, etc. in a basin 盆;(英國英語)調菜盆;一盆(的量) : a pudding basin 布丁盆
(iii)an area of land around a large river with streams running down into it 流域 : the Amazon Basin 亞馬孫河流域
2.Mediterranean ( adj.) [only before noun] connected with the Mediterranean Sea or the countries and regions that surround it; typical of this area 地中海的 : a Mediterranean country 地中海國家 ? a Mediterranean climate 地中海氣候
3.conquest(n.)(i) [sing., U] the act of taking control of a country, city, etc. by force 征服;佔領 : the Norman Conquest (= of England in 1066) 諾曼征服(即 1066 年諾曼人征服英國)
(ii)[C] an area of land taken by force 佔領(或征服)的地區 : the Spanish conquests in South America 西班牙人在南美洲的佔領地
4.tripartite ( adj.) [usually before noun] (formal) having three parts or involving three people, groups, etc. 有三部份的;涉及三人的;三方參加的
5.etc. (abbr.) used after a list to show that there are other things that you could have mentioned (the abbreviation for 'et cetera')
6.converge (v.)(i) ~ (on...) (of people or vehicles ) to move towards a place from different directions and meet 彙集;聚集;集中 :
Thousands of supporters converged on London for the rally.
(ii)(of two or more lines, paths, etc. 多條線、小路等) to move towards each other and meet at a point (向某一點)相交,會合 : There was a signpost where the two paths converged. 兩條小路的相交處有一路標。
(iii)if ideas, policies, aims, etc. converge, they become very similar or the same (思想、政策、目標等)十分相似,相同
7.convergent(adj.): convergent lines/ opinions 相交的線條;趨於一致的意見
8.convergence (n.) [U]
9.omnipotent (adj.) (formal) having total power; able to do anything 萬能的;全能的;無所不能的 : an omnipotent God 全能的上帝
*omnipotence(n.) [U] : the omnipotence of God 上帝的全能
10.peasant (n.) (i) (especially in the past, or in poorer countries) a farmer who owns or rents a small piece of land (尤指昔日或貧窮國家的)農民,小農,佃農 : peasant farmers 個體農民
(ii) (informal, disapproving) a person who is rude, behaves badly, or has little education 老粗;土包子;沒教養的人
11.whirlwind (n.)(i) a very strong wind that moves very fast in a spinning movement and causes a lot of damage 旋風;旋流
(ii) a situation or series of events where a lot of things happen very quickly 一片忙亂 : To recover from the divorce, I threw myself into a whirlwind of activities. 為了從離婚中恢復過來,我馬不停蹄地投身於一系列的活動。
(adj.)[only before noun] happening very fast 快速的;匆匆忙忙的;旋風似的
* a whirlwind romance 旋風式戀愛
* a whirlwind tour of America 旋風式的美國之行
12.foresee (v.)to think sth is going to happen in the future; to know about sth before it happens 預料;預見;預知
*[VN] We do not foresee any problems. 我們預料不會出任何問題。 The extent of the damage could not have been foreseen. 損害的程度是無法預見到的。
*[V (that)] No one could have foreseen (that) things would turn out this way. 誰都沒有預料到事情的結果會這樣。
*[V wh-] It is impossible to foresee how life will work out. 不可能預知生命將如何發展。
*[also VN -ing] —compare unforeseen
13.plague (n.)(i) (also the plague) [U] = bubonic plague : an outbreak of plague 鼠疫的爆發
(ii) [C] any infectious disease that kills a lot of people 死亡率高的傳染病 epidemic : the plague of AIDS 艾滋病這種嚴重的傳染病
(iii) [C] ~ of sth large numbers of an animal or insect that come into an area and cause great damage (老鼠或昆蟲等肆虐造成的)災害,禍患 : a plague of locusts/ rats, etc. 蝗災、鼠害等
*avoid sb/ sth like the plague: (informal) to try very hard not to meet sb, do sth, etc. 像避瘟疫似地躲?某人(或某事物);盡量避開某人(或某事物)
14.bear out (phr.) If someone or something bears a person out or bears out what that person is saying, they support what that person is saying.
*Recent studies have borne out claims that certain perfumes can bring about profound psychological changes.
15.vile (adj.) (viler, vil?est) (i) (informal) extremely unpleasant or bad 糟糕透頂的;可惡的;極壞的 disgusting : a vile smell 令人惡心的氣味
* The weather was really vile most of the time. 天氣大部份時間都糟糕得很。
* He was in a vile mood. 他的心情壞極了。 note at terrible
(ii) (formal) morally bad; completely unacceptable 邪惡的;令人完全不能接受的 wicked : the vile practice of taking hostages 扣押人質的卑劣行徑
*vilely (adv.)
*vileness (n.) [U]
16.wretch (n.) (i) a person that you feel sympathy or pity for 不幸的人;可憐的人 : a poor wretch 可憐的人
(ii) (often humorous) an evil, unpleasant or annoying person 惡棍;壞蛋;無賴;無恥之徒
17..unending (adj.) seeming to last for ever 無盡的;源源不斷的;不竭的 : a seemingly unending supply of money 似乎源源不斷的資金供應
18.quarrel (n.)(i)[C] ~ (with sb/between A and B) (about/ over sth) an angry argument or disagreement between people, often about a personal matter 口角;爭吵;拌嘴 : a family quarrel 家庭紛爭
*He did not mention the quarrel with his wife. 他沒有提起和妻子的爭吵。
*They had a quarrel about money. 他們為錢吵了一架。
* Were you at any time aware of a quarrel between the two of them? 你什麼時候注意到他倆拌過嘴嗎?
(ii) [U] ~ (with sb/ sth) (especially in negative sentences 尤用於否定句) a reason for complaining about sb/ sth or for disagreeing with sb/ sth 抱怨(或不贊成)的理由 : We have no quarrel with his methods. 我們沒有理由不贊成他的方法。
19.axe:(n.)if sb gets the axe, they lose their job; if an institution or a project gets the axe, it is closed or stopped, usually because of a lack of money
(e.g.)Up to 300 workers are facing the axe at a struggling Merseyside firm.
20.archery:(n.)[U] the art or sport of shooting arrows with a bow
21.poppy:(n.)a wild or garden plant, with a large delicate flower that is usually red, and small black seeds. Opium is obtained from one type of poppy.
*poppy fields/ seeds
22.hemlock:(n.)a poisonous plant with a mass of small white flowers growing at the end of a stem(梗) that is covered in spots
23.Mephistophelian:(a.)very evil; like the Devil
(ORIGIN)From Mephistopheles, an evil spirit to whom, according to the German legend, Faust sold his soul.
24.cunning:(a.) able to get what you want in a clever way, especially by tricking or cheating sb
(syn.)crafty, wily
* a cunning liar
(e.g.)He was as cunning as a fox.
25.scar:(n.)a mark that is left on the skin after a wound has healed
*a scar on his cheek
*scar tissue
(e.g.)Will the operation leave a scar?
26.bind:(v.)to tie sb/ sth with rope, string, etc. so that they cannot move or are held together firmly
(e.g. 1)She was bound to a chair.
(e.g. 2)They bound his hands together.
(e.g. 3)He was left bound and gagged (= tied up and with a piece of cloth tied over his mouth).
27.mast:(n.)a tall pole on a boat or ship that supports the sails
28.rendering:(n.)[C] a piece of writing that has been translated into a different language; the particular way in which it has been translated
*a faithful rendering of the original text
29.disloyal:(adj.) ~ (to sb/ sth) not loyal or faithful to your friends, family, country, etc.
(e.g.)He was accused of being disloyal to the government.
*disloyalty (n.)[U]
30.maid:(n.) a female servant in a house or hotel
(e.g.)There is a maid to do the housework.
31.whip:(n.)[C] a long thin piece of rope or leather, attached to a handle, used for making animals move or punishing people
(e.g.)He cracked his whip and the horse leapt forward.
*whip :(v.)to hit a person or an animal hard with a whip
32.dismiss:(v.)to decide that sb/ sth is not important and not worth thinking or talking about
(syn.)wave aside
(e.g. 1)The suggestion should not be dismissed out of hand (= without thinking about it).
(e.g. 2)Vegetarians are no longer dismissed as cranks.
(e.g. 3)He dismissed the opinion polls as worthless.
33.voyage:(n.)a long journey, especially by sea or in space
*an around-the-world voyage
*a voyage in space
(e.g.)Going to college can be a voyage of self-discovery.
34.eagle:(n.)a large bird of prey with a sharp curved beak and very good sight
*eagles soaring overhead
35.serpent:(n.)a snake, especially a large one