review the past
discuss the present
preview the future

what for? = why?
what's that going to do with me?
Follow your own impulse
impulsive buyer


vurtual reality  虛擬實境

water   the flower

accumulate    data

variable  變數

gender 性別

Talent Hives
We don't educate people to become something .
Thay have to decide that themselves.
1.rivalry (n.)a situation in which people, teams, businesses, etc. compete with one another:
political rivalries
There's such rivalry among/between my three sons.
There's fierce rivalry for the job/to get the job.

2.well-off (a.)rich:
Her family was very well-off.

3.overall (adj.) [before noun], (adv.)
in general rather than in particular, or including all the people or things in a particular group or situation:
The overall situation is good, despite a few minor problems.
Overall, it has been a good year.
The overall winner, after ten games, will receive $250 000.

4.outdo (v.)to be, or do something, better than someone else:
He always tries to outdo everybody else in the class.

5.unique (a.)being the only existing one of its type or, more generally, unusual or special in some way:
Each person's genetic code is unique except in the case of identical twins.
I'd recognise your handwriting anywhere - it's unique.

6.mansion (n.)a very large expensive house:
The street is lined with enormous mansions where the rich and famous live.

7.afterthought (n.)an idea, thought or plan which was not originally intended but is thought of at a later time:
She only asked me to her party as an afterthought.
The pillars seem to have been added to the entrance as an afterthought.

1.(n.)someone whose job is to drive a car for a rich or important person:
As company director, she has a chauffeur-driven limousine to take her everywhere.
2.(v.)to drive someone somewhere:
His mother spoils him terribly and chauffeurs him (around/about) everywhere.

9.stroll (v.)to walk in a slow relaxed manner, especially for pleasure:
We could stroll into town if you like.
(cf.)scroll (n.)a long roll of paper or similar material with usually official writing on it

10.parrot (n.)a tropical bird with a curved beak, which is often kept as a pet and can be trained to copy the human voice

11.gorgeous (a.)very beautiful or pleasant:
What a gorgeous room/dress/colour!
The bride looked gorgeous.
The weather was so gorgeous.

12.slapstick (n.)[U]humor that is based on physical actions such as people hitting each other or falling down, rather than on the clever use of language:
a slapstick comedy routine

13.grammatical (a.)relating to grammar or obeying the rules of grammar:
a grammatical (= grammatically correct) sentence

14.embedded (a.)
1 fixed into the surface of something:
The thorn was embedded in her thumb.
2 If an emotion, attitude, etc. is embedded in someone or something, it is a very strong or important part of them:
A sense of guilt was deeply embedded in my conscience.

15.incongruous (a.)unusual or different from the surroundings or from what is generally happening:
The new computer looked incongruous in the dark book-filled library.
It seems incongruous to have a woman as the editor of a men's magazine.

16.preacher (n.)a person, usually a priest, who gives a religious speech

17.trailer (n.)a vehicle without an engine, often in the form of a flat frame or a container, which is pulled by another vehicle:
The car was pulling a trailer with motorcycle on it.

18.cushion (n.)a bag made of cloth, plastic or leather which is filled with soft material, often has an attractive cover, and is used especially on chairs for sitting or leaning on:
She sank back against/into the cushions.

19.howl (v.)If a dog or wolf howls, it makes a long, sad sound:
In the silence of the night, a lone wolf howled.

20.tile (n.)a thin, usually square or rectangular, piece of baked clay, plastic, etc. used for covering roofs, floors, walls, etc:
roof tiles
floor tiles
ceramic tiles
carpet tiles

21.pew (n.)a long wooden seat with a high back, which a row of people sit on in a church
22.fold-up chair

23.parade (n.)a large number of people walking or in vehicles, all going in the same direction, usually as part of a public celebration of something:
a victory parade

24.congregation (n.)a group of people gathered together in a religious building for worship and prayer:
The vicar asked the congregation to kneel.

25.sermon (n.)a part of a Christian church ceremony in which a priest gives a talk on a religious or moral subject, often based on something written in the Bible:
The Reverend William Cronshaw delivered/preached the sermon.
Today's sermon was on the importance of compassion.

26.wail (v.)to make a long, high cry, usually because of pain or sadness:
The women gathered around the coffin and began to wail, as was the custom in then region.

27.opal (n.)a precious stone whose colour changes when the position of the person looking at it changes

28.Baptist (n.)a member of a Protestant religious group that believes that only adults should be baptized

29.leftover (a.)describes part of something that has not been used or eaten when the other parts have been:
some leftover curry from last night's meal

30.crumb (n.)a small amount of something:
a crumb of hope/comfort

31.potluck (n.)(AmE) a meal to which each guest brings some food, which is then shared out among the guests

32.furry (a.)covered with fur:
small furry animals

33.skid (v.)(especially of a vehicle) to slide along a surface so that you have no control:
Trevor's bus skidded on some ice and hit a tree.

34.polished (a.)having been polished:
a highly polished floor

35.clap (v.)to make a short loud noise by hitting your hands together:
"When I clap my hands, you must stand still, " said the teacher.
The band played a familiar tune which had everyone clapping along.
The audience clapped in time to the music.

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